Who We Are
At NCast, we are dedicated in giving you and your institution high-quality products and services with innovative technology discovered, researched, and tested by our team.
Executive Team
Dr. H.S. Magnuski
Cofounder, President, CEO and Board Member
Prior to founding NCast, Dr. Magnuski was cofounder and CEO of GammaLink. He invented the industry's first PC-to-fax communications technology in 1985. In 1994, GammaLink merged with Dialogic Corporation of Parsippany, New Jersey, a leading manufacturer of voice cards for the PC. In 1999, Dialogic merged with Intel. In 1995, Dr. Magnuski received the Fax Industry Award from BIS, now Giga Information Group, Inc. Dr. Magnuski pioneered the Internet's first video service provider in 1995 and founded Internet Video Services, Inc. Dr. Magnuski holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from MIT and conducted postdoctoral work at Stanford University.
Jeanne Schmitt
Cofounder, VP Marketing, and Board Member
Ms. Schmitt co-founded NCast after several years in product management at GammaLink (now Intel Corp), where she managed and marketed high-end network-fax product lines. Her prominent involvement in GammaLink's ISV (Independent Software Vendors) program led to support of the company's hardware by its primary competitor, Intel. Her career also includes program management at Microsoft Corporation, where she was involved in the creation of the company's email products, and was awarded Microsoft's ShipIt award from Bill Gates. Ms. Schmitt holds a BS in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is a member of Watermark, a Silicon Valley organization for Entrepreneurs, and a member of IEEE.